Cloud-based project Proposal ID: 34953861

In this assessment, I am proposing to build a website where IT students will be able to interact with each other, share their experience of studying different subjects, class environment and help each other out in their studies and also help each other in their career as well. It will also provide a CGPA calculator and allow you to manage your courses.

Need for the platform:

There are many platforms where people from different background interact and share knowledge. Some of the very famous platforms are Stake Overflow, Quora, and Reddit. Since I am having difficulties in communication and interaction with other students as an international and my interest is in the IT and computer science, I wanted to create a platform where students would come together and share their experience and knowledge about different subjects. Also it can be a great help in making like minded friends. Just consider, an international student is deciding to purse an IT and computer science degree abroad and has the opportunity to visit the proposed platform and interact with students of his dream university. He or she can get the idea about the life at campus, classroom environment, and student’s experience, with just the convenience of his home. He or she will have also the opportunity to compare different degrees and universities and select whose environment suits best with his personal and professional values. This platform will also help him make some friends too. Also, as I like challenges because pushing my limits makes me feel I am doing something to improve myself. That is why I am also taking on to this project to complete it.

Notable Features

First of all, students will be able to create and manage profiles. Second of all, they will be able to create forums of different universities and share their experience, post questions, and comment on the posts. Third of all, they will be able to calculate their CGPA and GPA throughout the semester as many new students find it difficult to calculate CGPA and GPA at first semester and during their studies. This will help them to get an idea about their performance and make changes where they think it is needed by them. I intend to use Wordpress to develop the website. Wordpress is easy to use and help make beautiful websites.

License and rationale

CREATIVE COMMONS : The reason I decided to use creative common license because I want to make the information and platform publically and openly, accessible and shareable. As, I don’t believe that anyone can actually use this code to make money for themselves, also this project is being made for the the IT students and not for any private use, so I have no reason to put conditions on it. This also feels more satisfying to me as, I am atleast doing something for my fellows, it might not be the best service but still, atleast I am able to do something.It is my personal beleive that i have to provide something for others that can help them in any way or make their tasks easier. That’s why I am using the creative commons CC0 1.0 universal license.

ICT WEB by Basit ali is marked with CC0 1.0 Universal